Sunday, December 28, 2008

Here's the lastest...

This Christmas was the best one yet! My whole family got together on Christmas Eve because everyone had to work on Christmas day and it was amazing! We had it at my oldest sister's Tera's house and the almost the whole family was there...Which most of you know when that happens there is usually a fight or something bad happens but Praise the Lord that everything went really good and no one fought or anything...It was a true gift from God that everything went so well. We did miss Jamie..a lot and we always will!! And Destyonna, Carter, and Nicole couldn't make it.

I start school back on Jan 12th! I haven't made a final decision yet on what classes I'm taking...I will register on Jan 6th...

I have really enjoyed and needed a break with all that has happened...Its been stressful and hard to deal with but I just take one step at a time and I will continue to Praise the Lord no matter how big the storm is! Just pray that I receive His continuous peace and rest because I find it hard to sleep which is taking a toll on me. I appreciate every ones prayers for me..You can really tell when people are lifting you up it prayers...

Well I love you guys and I am blessed to have ya in my life..I hope everyone had a Blessed Christmas and I just pray a special blessing over your life and over your families! May the New Year bring much joy to ya!

Thanks again!!!

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