Friday, March 13, 2009

Getting behind

Wow!!! Its been a while since I've posted anything.  Last week was so crazy for me. I went to West VA with our youth and had a really good time. We left on Fri and came back on Sun. I did hurt my arm and think I may have a pinched I need to make an appointment for that. I also had my finals for winter quarter! I made really good grades this quarter and hope to do as well next quarter. Just really praying about what classed to take. I really want to be able to stay with the youth on weds.
I am loving my new house. My roommate Kristen and I are just having a blast and getting to know one another better and has just been a blessing to me. I miss the family I used to stay with. They are great people and I love them dearly. They have really blessed my over the past year.
Im also going to Haiti in a couple of weeks and I am SUPER excited about it. I will be going with 20 others to a village called La Source. Last year I went and stay in the capital Port Au Prince so I cant wait to see the village...Very different from the cap!
Well thats all for now. Hope you all are doing well. God bless!