Friday, November 27, 2009


Thanksgiving was awesome..We had about 30 people at my moms and everyone brought food and it was just a good time to be around family and friends. We definitely missed Jamie but so thankful that I got to spend 20 great years with him. We all miss him like crazy but I will never forget the things he taught me...include riding a bike. But I am thankful for having a big family and even though there are different beliefs we are still a tight nit family and I love it. Very thankful for them and the promise I will continue to stand on for them. Me and my house will serve the Lord!!!!

It was also my 1st day back at Huddle House. I am picking up some extra shifts to get some extra money for the holidays! So the first night was a little slow but still made some good tips.

Here are some pictures from our Thanksgiving!

This is my little bros and me...

JJ she is getting sooo big!!!! This is my mini me :o)

Hailey and Me...She is a cutie...but hates taking pics

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fun Weekend

So this weekend Kristen and I ran off to Dawsonville to the outlet malls. We had a great time...We got there around 11 and didnt leave until 840ish....Needless to say we were very tired and our feet hurt...but we got some great deals and some gifts for babyshowers and Christmas!
Speaking of which....we might be getting a REAL Christmas tree!!!! I haven't had a real tree in forever!!!! So I am definitely excited...Hopefully we can find one for a good deal!

And today we had our pastor appreciation sunday....and it was a surprise! We didn't tell them we were doing it and people got up and shared words for them and it was just amazing! We have an awesome Pastor and his wife is just as amazing...I love them both very much!!!!

Also I went to a babyshower for Deborah Anne and it was so much fun! SS is getting bigger by the min and I can't wait to meet Hampton Cole in Dec!

I am definitely blessed to have sooo many great friends and family!!!

On another note....For some reason I have been lonely to be in a relationship and so ready to settle down and I was thinking how much I want to love someone and to be loved and spend time with that person and the Lord sooo flipped it on me...He told me Jessica now you know how I feel....I long so badly to be loved and to love on my children...Only if they let me. I want to have a relationship with you and them and I want you and them to spend time with me too....And my heart just dropped. How often do I set and dream about spending time with the person I will love when God (Abba Father) wants to spend time with me. The other day at church we talked about God being Daddy God and I have always known that God is our Father....But it clicked to me...I haven't REALLY had that kind of relationship with God as my Daddy....He wants to know how I feel...He wants me to talk to him as my Daddy....So I have a whole new outlook and relationship with God and I have to work on it but its amazing!!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

I forgot to mention

I do need you guys prayers. My father had a stroke and he is doing ok...He is speech in a little impaired now but he has just had rough year. Last year someone tried to kill him and that was an awful experience. The same night I found that out. After dinner I went to my car and someone had done backed into it and of course....they left....go figure. I couldn't do anything but laugh...Because if I didn't I would have cried...But I know that Lord is continuing to teach me and help me to depend on Him more....I have always tried things in my own strength and sometimes that doesn't work....I have to learn that He is here to help...and to go to Him in all things....big and small....I was looking at a waterfall the other day....and if you know me water is one of my big things...I love the water and the relaxing but any who....I looked at the waterfall in awe of what God has made and I sensed the Lord laughing and it was like he was jokingly said thats small....I made that just to make you smile. And I was like just for me Lord and He said yes my dear just for you.....I get chills thinking about it. The Lord knows what we need when we need it....He is an awesome even when things get tough....I know I can make it through with God's help....He has helped me sooo much so far and I couldn't make it without him!!! Lord I love you very much!!! What a mighty God we serve!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lonely But Unlonely

So this week I have a lot of alone time and it was sort of lonely....I guess I have gotten so used to being around people I don't know what to do or how to act when I'm alone. But it turned out really great! I spent a lot of time with Lord and he spoke to me in so many different areas of my life. I def enjoyed His company this week. But I am thankful the team arrived safely home tonight and I'm back at home and my roomie is here :o) YEAH! But def want to keep what I've started with the Lord. Just a quick update. I also got my new glasses on Monday. Everyone seems to like them and I'm getting used to them. Here is a pic for ya!

Monday, October 12, 2009

God Speaks

I just thought this was awesome and felt like I should share! Its funny how when you least expect to hear from God, you do. The other night we were watching a movie called the Power of One. If you haven't seen it, you need to! Anyways, I didnt even know the title of the moving before watching it. Kristen just had said do you want to watch an African movie...since thats her heart and I said sure...Expecting to fall asleep because usually they are sad and I really didnt want to get my emotions all worked up before bed....well it happen anyways :o) For the ones who haven't seen it. I will give you a quick Jessica's version ;) The movie is about an English boy living in Africa way back when. Like Hitlers time. Anyways, it was about this boy trying to make peace and to make a difference in the lifes of the people who were being mistreated. And anytime we he wanted to run away or do something else. God showed him the things that he was doing was not going null and voided. For instance he was teaching a small group of africans how to read and write...and the police came in and had a big fight and all that jazz and the boy got discouraged and he was going to leave and he went to tell his friend and saw the people he taught how to read and right teaching many groups of others the same....So it was like a recharge....Ok so now your probably like well how does this relate to me....Im getting there....I have been praying about doing work in Haiti for some time and I had a thought come across my was something like this.....well Lord how can I really make a difference...I am just one and they are soo many. I dont even know what I will do over there....I dont even know where to start...Can I...yes Me...really make a difference? And left it at that.... Well this movie said it all...there is a lot of power in 1! What we do can change lifes, destroy lifes, or even build them up. Plus I just got the feeling that its really not about me anyways! Its about what the Lord can and will do thru me. I will or can be the willing vessel He will use. I also came to the conclusion that I dont need to know the whole plan. As long as I have my eyes set on Him. He will lead, guide, direct, and provide for me. I just have to be willing..... So God is good. And I love how He speaks to me when I least expect it. Please continue to pray for me and the plan that the Lord has for me. I love you all! God Bless. Jess

I went to touch there lifes...instead they touched mine!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dove's Eyes

Oh my where do I begin...things have been crazy. Work has been some what stressful and the gym has been a great way for me to release some of that. I have so much running thru my head on what the Lord wants for me to do and trying to have dove's eyes so that they are planted on Him and only Him. I keep getting distracted and trying to walk off course but I'm back on and hopefully will stay on for some while now.

I'm so ready to have a little family and enjoy that but can't rush things. The Lord has to stay in control of that and a very smart woman in my life told me today that the word has to come first then let the emotions come. If not it gets sticky. Oh boy is she right. Just from past relationships I've experienced...If I just didn't let my stinking emotions get involved I'd be alright....But you know me...rushing and driving head first in to I took a look today and cried my eyes out and finally realized that I needed to wait. Even if I did not want to...and it was the hardest thing ever! I hurt someone today that I really cared about.....but it was what I had to do. I pray that there will be a friendship still after all these years.....anywho....getting all emotional....

So yeh....Work is is life...full of drama and waiting....Oh I forgot to mention that my sis is prego....She is having a lil boy. That makes 7 nephews and nieces! From my family and I still have some many that aren't really related but I claim them!!!!!!Crazy uh?!?! But I love being an Aunt...Theres nothing like it.

This is Carters 1st Bday pic taken on 9/20/2009(his bday was 9/19

Monday, August 31, 2009

Trip to Helen

So this past weekend I went on a trip to Helen with my best friend and her family. It was pretty nice. We tube down the river, flew in a helicopter over ruby falls (I was scared to death), and shopped in the cute shops. And no I don't have any pictures. I thought I put my camera in my purse and left it at home...I know shame on me. So unusual for me. But I had a great time!!! I got to ride on a motorcycle which is always a blast!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So Ive been getting this word of Change for a while and I thought I knew exactly what it was talking about but so much can change but I want it to be what the Lord wants. I've been praying if its ok to date. Its been a rough road since well yeh you get the pic and I have been dating Jesus and felt like after all that I needed some time with just me and Jesus to get to know each other more and I have matured greatly and really got a good understanding of my Prince. So now I've decided to ask him if it ok for me to date again....I feel a peace about dating but I really don't want to play the dating game....Im just tried of that. I want to find the man God has for me and go on and live our life's together. I know thats easier said than done...but im ready to settle down with the one i love and enjoy life with him....I know a lot of yall would say Im young and have plenty of time, which is true and I respect your opinions and advice. But take in to fact that i am a lot maturer than normal girls my age and have experience and lived on my on a lot longer too.....but anyways...Im excited for this new season of change and cant wait to see what the Lord has in store for me.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So I've been in Charlotte training since Sunday and today Josiah and I got together and he decided to take me "up town" to eat and just walk around.....Well we meet up and he informed me that we would be taking the train....Keep in mind I never rode on a train least of what I he def got a good laugh out of it...It was a cool experience....I love "up town" it was sooo much fun...we ate at a really good pizza place and then walked around and had some really good conversation! So good to finally catch up with him...Its been a while since he moved up here.....but the train ride was cool and I will be heading home tomorrow...yeah!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Waiting on Him in all my ways.....

So this season for me has def been a maturing season.....In my relationship with Christ.....I've been reading this awesome book that helps you prepare for your mate and your prince in Jesus....So its really preparing me and changing the way I think about things and its giving me a better understanding on relationships.....Waiting is def hard but soooo worth it! I don't want to settle for 2nd best and I want what the Lord has for me....not just whats out there......Its hard at times but I just remember its Gods timing and He has it all planned out!

Another thing the Lord is speaking to me about is going to Haiti in Oct....Well there are a few mile stones in the way right now but I am praying that the Lord will make the way!

There are soo many things that are coming up in my Life different paths that I may want to take but am waiting on clear direction! So please join me in that...

Work is going good. Right now I am in Charlotte for my last training and I can't wait until I am done....Its hard bc you still have goals to meet while your gone..

The family is doing is still without a job....not too sure whats she is going to do...She has enrolled in school and started her classes...which are hard for her....but its not paying the we shall see.....

Well I will try and get on her a lil more now since I got a better computer that will allow me too!
Hope all is well with you guys!
Thanks for your prayers! Love ya

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Hey guys..It truly had been forever since I've posted anything...That's because I don't have internet anymore at home plus I've been super busy with work and family issues.

But I did want to give you guys an update on how things are going and what the Lord is doing in my life.

I am still currently training for my position as a personal banker that I took at the end of may. I got my loan number Thursday and now I can do mortgages and stuff....Fun uh

I really don't know what the Lord has planned for me....I have sooo many desires on my heart and just waiting on the Lord for the clear direction on what He wants me to do. I have been reading a book and also have gotten some amazing words. The Lord is preparing me for him and for my future mate. Its a beautification process and its def a new season for me. I feel like I am maturing more in the Lord as well. Its different then how it was...But its good :o)
I don't know if that makes any sense to you guys.....

Well got to go. Love you guys!~Jess

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Season!

Hey guys, I haven't been on this thing for a long time...So the last thing I posted was about going to Haiti....Well it was amazing!!!! I seen things I've never seen before. Even had gone there just last year its amazing how different each city, town, and village is. I made some awesome friends and those kids touched my heart everyday. I can go on and on and cry and cry....I just can't wait to go back...Maybe the summer trip. Who knows..if it's the Lord's will I will most certainly be going back as soon as He allows! :o) I just want to be in tune with Him and His will for my life. I know He has a time and a place for everything but sometimes I forget that or try to do it on my timing which usually ends up in a big ole mess! I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for me and through me. He amazes me everyday on just how Good He is!!!!

Speaking of which....Most of you know I had an interview the week I got back from Haiti with the bank I'm currently at but just a different position and location (which is closer to home and that's what I really wanted and been praying for) and not even after an hour after my interview.....I got the job!!!!! Praise the Lord! So my last day at Gordon Hwy is may 22nd! I'm really excited about this new position...There is a lot of work involved and a whole lot of training I have to do but it will all be worth it. I know this is of the Lord b/c I prayed about it before the position even came available this last time and I prayed before I applied got the peace to do so and prayed on the way to the interview and just simply asked...Lord if it's not of you....don't let me get it. I am very thankful of that! 

My nieces and nephews are getting sooo big...I need to post some updated pics of them....They make me feel old and I know I'm young but I guess what I am trying to say if they make me realize how fast time goes by! It's crazy....

Well I think that about does it for now!
 Love you guys!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Haiti....Here we come...

So guys I just wanted to let you know i will be on a team heading to Haiti tomorrow and we will be home Friday night...sometime :o) Just be in prayer for our safety and that God just softens the haitians hearts as we share the love and the Word of God to them....I am super excited about this trip...Much different then last year in sooo many ways! 1 I'm not by myself and Im with a group and 2 I'm going to the village, whereas last year I was in the city...two different worlds...well I got to finish getting ready...just wanted to let you guys know where i'll be and I appreciate the extra prayers! Love ya!!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Getting behind

Wow!!! Its been a while since I've posted anything.  Last week was so crazy for me. I went to West VA with our youth and had a really good time. We left on Fri and came back on Sun. I did hurt my arm and think I may have a pinched I need to make an appointment for that. I also had my finals for winter quarter! I made really good grades this quarter and hope to do as well next quarter. Just really praying about what classed to take. I really want to be able to stay with the youth on weds.
I am loving my new house. My roommate Kristen and I are just having a blast and getting to know one another better and has just been a blessing to me. I miss the family I used to stay with. They are great people and I love them dearly. They have really blessed my over the past year.
Im also going to Haiti in a couple of weeks and I am SUPER excited about it. I will be going with 20 others to a village called La Source. Last year I went and stay in the capital Port Au Prince so I cant wait to see the village...Very different from the cap!
Well thats all for now. Hope you all are doing well. God bless! 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Season

Well I haven't been on here in a while and just wanted to update you on my life. I have recently moved. I love my lil townhouse its perfect for me right now. I went back to school in Jan and this quarter has been tough but my grades are better this quarter then it has been since I started. I don't have class on Wednesday's so I have been able to help with the teenagers again..which I love doing...they are my hearts cry. The Lord has been doing an amazing transformation in my life. I have denied myself and have been more open to what the Lord has to say to me and others. The Lord has given me a different way to pray. I've prayed a certain my whole life and now its different....Hard to explain. But I love it. The words that the Lord has given me for just amazes me that the Lord will just someone so unworthy like myself. But He is good and is grace is enough. Also this spring break I will be going back to Haiti for a missions trip..If ya'll have any ideas on how I can raise some money for this trip that will be great. Continue to pray for the support I need for this trip. i love you guys..I am so blessed to have friends like you!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Years!!

So here is my first posting for 2009!!

I have started as of today a change in lifestyle! Yep you heard it...I started today eating a different way and going to the gym...So hopefully we shall see some results soon ;)

I start back school on Monday :( I am taking a math class, a study class, and a computer concepts not to hard this quarter...hopefully! I will be back at church on Wed nights this I am really excited about that!

The family is doing ok...Nothing has happened in a while so we are doing better I guess...No drama lately..Praise the Lord lol

Me and my friend are looking for a house to buy or that's fun....

Besides be sick bringing in the new year everything else is going pretty good.