Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A lil bit of everything!

Well let's start with Wed was my first day back at the gym...and I must say...it felt soooooooooooooo good. I couldn't believe it. So I am really excited about getting back into my old schedule. Plus with upcoming events I need to be in the best shape!

I also turned 23 yesterday! I have to say I have some pretty amazing people in my life and I am very blessed to call these people family! We had a great dinner with a couple of hours of Just Dance..Had an awesome bday cake...and some amazing gifts! But even if I had no gifts. My friendships that have turned into families...is really priceless! I wouldn't change it for the world.
Thank again guys! love you

Work is work. I haven't started training yet for the assistant manager position (that is not yet available). But will soon I hope. We have a high turn over but not really in upper positions. Praying something comes available soon. I need the change.

Well guys thats about it for now....