Monday, October 19, 2009

I forgot to mention

I do need you guys prayers. My father had a stroke and he is doing ok...He is speech in a little impaired now but he has just had rough year. Last year someone tried to kill him and that was an awful experience. The same night I found that out. After dinner I went to my car and someone had done backed into it and of course....they left....go figure. I couldn't do anything but laugh...Because if I didn't I would have cried...But I know that Lord is continuing to teach me and help me to depend on Him more....I have always tried things in my own strength and sometimes that doesn't work....I have to learn that He is here to help...and to go to Him in all things....big and small....I was looking at a waterfall the other day....and if you know me water is one of my big things...I love the water and the relaxing but any who....I looked at the waterfall in awe of what God has made and I sensed the Lord laughing and it was like he was jokingly said thats small....I made that just to make you smile. And I was like just for me Lord and He said yes my dear just for you.....I get chills thinking about it. The Lord knows what we need when we need it....He is an awesome even when things get tough....I know I can make it through with God's help....He has helped me sooo much so far and I couldn't make it without him!!! Lord I love you very much!!! What a mighty God we serve!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lonely But Unlonely

So this week I have a lot of alone time and it was sort of lonely....I guess I have gotten so used to being around people I don't know what to do or how to act when I'm alone. But it turned out really great! I spent a lot of time with Lord and he spoke to me in so many different areas of my life. I def enjoyed His company this week. But I am thankful the team arrived safely home tonight and I'm back at home and my roomie is here :o) YEAH! But def want to keep what I've started with the Lord. Just a quick update. I also got my new glasses on Monday. Everyone seems to like them and I'm getting used to them. Here is a pic for ya!

Monday, October 12, 2009

God Speaks

I just thought this was awesome and felt like I should share! Its funny how when you least expect to hear from God, you do. The other night we were watching a movie called the Power of One. If you haven't seen it, you need to! Anyways, I didnt even know the title of the moving before watching it. Kristen just had said do you want to watch an African movie...since thats her heart and I said sure...Expecting to fall asleep because usually they are sad and I really didnt want to get my emotions all worked up before bed....well it happen anyways :o) For the ones who haven't seen it. I will give you a quick Jessica's version ;) The movie is about an English boy living in Africa way back when. Like Hitlers time. Anyways, it was about this boy trying to make peace and to make a difference in the lifes of the people who were being mistreated. And anytime we he wanted to run away or do something else. God showed him the things that he was doing was not going null and voided. For instance he was teaching a small group of africans how to read and write...and the police came in and had a big fight and all that jazz and the boy got discouraged and he was going to leave and he went to tell his friend and saw the people he taught how to read and right teaching many groups of others the same....So it was like a recharge....Ok so now your probably like well how does this relate to me....Im getting there....I have been praying about doing work in Haiti for some time and I had a thought come across my was something like this.....well Lord how can I really make a difference...I am just one and they are soo many. I dont even know what I will do over there....I dont even know where to start...Can I...yes Me...really make a difference? And left it at that.... Well this movie said it all...there is a lot of power in 1! What we do can change lifes, destroy lifes, or even build them up. Plus I just got the feeling that its really not about me anyways! Its about what the Lord can and will do thru me. I will or can be the willing vessel He will use. I also came to the conclusion that I dont need to know the whole plan. As long as I have my eyes set on Him. He will lead, guide, direct, and provide for me. I just have to be willing..... So God is good. And I love how He speaks to me when I least expect it. Please continue to pray for me and the plan that the Lord has for me. I love you all! God Bless. Jess

I went to touch there lifes...instead they touched mine!