Friday, October 10, 2008

My Dad

Oh wow were do I begin!?!?!?! My relationship with my father is a weird one...But he is my daddy and I was once a daddys girl...I found out this week that my dad got hit in the head and had to have some brain surgery and almost didnt make it....He is still in the hospital and the doctors are unsure of his outcome...So me and my brothers will be heading up there tomorrow to see him and the rest of the Gregory side of the family that we dont really know....This has really been a struggle for me because I have this anger inside of me sometimes because of him and I have just been praying that God will take that feeling away from my heart and spirit...I know everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect...But sometimes things are just hard to deal with...But when I got this phone call that my dad was in the hospital and not doing good my feelins changed and I believe that the Lord started dealing with me about my issues with my father...and I also believe that I will be going up there not only to see my dad but to bring the light of Jesus in his darkness....God has a appointed time for everything and I believe this is one of them...So keep me and my brothers in your prayers as we travel...and I will keep ya posted on how my dad is doing...I just remember this scripture....You love because I first Loved you!

On a better note....I got to meet my boyfriends parents tonight and everything went really well (in my opinion) ....They were really nice and we had a great dinner with good conversation....So they are here until Tuesday and can't wait to get to know them better! I'll keep ya posted on that as well. :)

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